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Facilities and Construction Management

Energy Management

The Division of Facilities and Construction Management at Jackson State University (JSU) has a university-wide responsibility for minimizing energy use and implementing the energy management program. The platform for this program is to simply reduce costs for the provision of energy in each and every building without compromising the learning environment and/or the general business at the University.

What is JSU Doing to Conserve Energy?

Utilizing a Tracer Summit Building Automation System, the Department of Facilities & Construction Management manages the campus’ HVAC, lighting, and related electrical systems. 

Temperature Management

Due to a variety of reasons, many JSU buildings are unnecessarily heated, cooled, and ventilated as if they were occupied 24 hours-per-day.  Therefore, an occupied or unoccupied setback sequence was implemented.

In Occupied Mode, the Tracer Summit system maintains building temperatures between 66 degrees – 74 degrees F.  In Unoccupied Mode, temperature will be allowed to get as high as 84 degrees before the air conditioning comes on and as low as 68 degrees F before the heating comes on.

Solar Energy


Lighting Efficiency

Over 90% of office and building lighting (on the main campus) utilizes motion sensors; drastically reducing energy usage and expenses. Campus lighting utilizes timers and photo cells to turn outdoor lights on and off. LED lighting is used to replace older model bulbs in areas where motion sensors are not installed. The University also invested in solar panels (renewable energy) to power emergency call stations and lighting throughout Tiger Plaza.


Water Conservation

The university has taken steps to reduce the amount of water consumed by being able to control forty percent (40%) of its irrigation system through a state of the art monitoring system, Maxicom.



The School of Engineering is Mississippi’s first state-funded construction development designated as a “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” (LEED) certified project. The building is a 90,000-square-foot facility made of recycled materials which decreased the cost of construction.


Green House

Jackson State University houses a greenhouse to encourage more foliage and fresh flowers around campus.


Community Garden

JSU has sponsored community gardens in the Washington Addition neighborhood since 2010 using staff and students to work with the community.



The Transportation Center building manages a charging dock for hybrid vehicles.

Facilities and Construction Management


833 Walter Payton Drive
P.O. Box 17460
Jackson, MS 39217

Phone: (601) 979-2522
Fax: (601) 979-6408