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Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences – CHEMISTRY
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology


Chemistry is the study of how matter behaves at its most basic level. The central science, chemistry, is involved in everything that we do. Its applications stretch across all areas of life, including medicine, engineering and agriculture.

Graduate Students Directory


Graduate Students Directory

  Last Name First Name Semester Enrolled Advisor Room Program
  Begum Salma 2015/S Ray 530 PhD
  Cao Bei 2014/S Hill/Magers JSH PhD
  Chavva Suhash 2011/F Ray 530 PhD
  Collins Jasmine 2015/S Ogungbe 522 PhD
  Cooper Precious 2014/F Lee 524 PhD
  Copeland Christopher 2015/F Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Crouch Rebecca 2013/S Ray 530 PhD
  Deng Hua 2013/F Yu 530 PhD
  Demeritte Teresa 2007/F Ray 530 PhD
  Denmark Iris 2015/F Yu 515 PhD
  Farrakhan-Muhammad Aminah 2011/F Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Golius Anastasiia 2011/F Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Guo Kai 2013/F Han 532 PhD
  Haque Syed 2011/F Hossain 527 PhD
  Johnson Corey 2014/S Ogungbe 522 PhD
  Jones Stacey 2014/S Ray 530 PhD
  Kanchanapally Rajashenkar 2010/F Ray 530 PhD
  Kapusta Karina 2015/F Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Khan Mehedi 2012/F Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Mirchi Ali 2012/S Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Nemati Maryam 2015/F     PhD
  Nyamwihura Rogers 2015/F Ogungbe 523 PhD
  Ondera Thomas 2010/F Hamme 513 PhD
  Pan Li 2014/Su Liu 523 PhD
  Raines Shelby 2014/F Hill/Magers JSH PhD
  Rhaman Mhahabubur 2011/F Hossain 527 PhD
  Roy Juganta 2012/F Leszczynski JSH PhD
  Shi Yongliang 2014/F Ray 530 PhD
  Ugobor Nelson 2014/F Ray 530 PhD
  Vangara Aruna 2014/S Ray 530 PhD
  Viraka Nellore Bhanu 2011/S Hamme/Ray 507 PhD
  Walker Shanek 2011/F Hill JSH PhD
  Watkins Marquita 2010/F Laszczynski JSH PhD
  Woods Shawta 2012/F Hill JSH PhD
  Xu Rui 2013/F Liu 523 PhD
  Yancey Denise 2013/F Yu 515 PhD
  Zakaria A.B.M. 2010/F Leszczynska ENG PhD
  Zhang Ying 2011/S Yu 515 PhD
  Zhang Huaisheng 2014/Su Ogungbe 523 PhD
  Allen Obie 2015/F Hill JSH MS
  Alzomat Mahmoud 2015/S     MS
  Amaechi Anthony 2014/F Ogungbe 522 MS
  Assad Jean-Claude 20011/F Hamme 513 MS
  Burrell Jasmine 2014/F Ogungbe 522 MS
  Carter Cord 2014/F Hamme 513 MS
  Celik Ahmed 2013/F Arslan 503 MS
  Corothers Simira 2015/S Ogungbe 522 MS
  Cowan Terriona 2015/F Zhao 507 MS
  Dasary Samuel 2014/S Lee 524 MS
  Gao Ye 2015/F Yu 515 MS
  Guillory Devin 2015/F     MS
  Hammond Neil 2015/F Yu 515 MS


Jefferson Tierra 2013/F Ogungbe 522 MS
  Menon Omkaran 2014/F Hamme 513 MS
  Moore Quentarious 2015/F Leszczynski JSH MS
  Portis Bobby 2014/F Hossain 527 MS
  Vincent Brandy 2011/F Huang 512 MS
  Wilnerys Colberg-Hernandez 2014/F Hill JSH MS



Important Dates

CSET Scholars Academy

Community Engagement



Jackson State University
Department of Chemistry
1325 J. R. Lynch St.
P.O. Box 17910
Jackson, MS 39217-0510


(601) 979-7021