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May 5, 2017: Faculty Research Assistance Requests Deadline

Completing the Faculty Research Assistance Request

Deadline:  May 5, 2017 at 11:45 p.m.

Main Takeaways
  • *  This program focuses on faculty research productivity and how it advances the faculty member’s research agenda and career.
  • *  Review tends to privilege tenure-track early career faculty and faculty who have not recently received Center-funded graduate assistantships.
  • *  Specificity and clarity about the research project (and, if applicable, results of previous Center-funded research assistance) helps us to better understand your request.



Annually, we receives scores of requests for typically 10-15 graduate assistantships per year.  Unfortunately, we cannot offer a graduate assistantship to every faculty member who deserves it.  We make awards to faculty members based on (1) the potential for the research project to advance the faculty member’s research agenda and career, (2) clarity about the research project and feasibility of its timeline and (3) the demonstrated research productivity of faculty members who have previously received Center-funded assistantships.

E-Mail Address.  Please use an e-mail address that you check or monitor.  If we have questions about your application, we will use the address on your form.

Research Description.  Focus on the faculty applicant’s research project and expected research products.  Summarize its purpose, methods or tasks, potential contribution to your discipline and career and the timeline for completion.  Be as specific and succinct as possible.  If you are writing grant proposals, please include the agencies/foundations to which you are applying.

Graduate Assistant Tasks.  List the specific tasks that you expect the graduate assistant to complete.  Clerical work is not a focus of this program.

Research Products from Previous Funding.  Faculty members who have received Center-funded assistantships in the last five years should complete this section.  Again, our focus is on faculty research products and faculty-student collaborations.

  • * If there are publications or presentations, please include a complete citation for each.
  • * If there are grant submissions, please include the agency name, directorate/program name and dates of submission.
  • * If there are funded grants or fellowships, please include the agency name, directorate/program name, dates of the grant and grant number.
  • * If there are manuscripts under review, please include the name of the journal or press.


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