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5.3.5 Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen Property

University property that is lost, destroyed, or stolen should be reported to the Department of Public Safety and the Inventory and Property Management Department in writing within 24 hours of discovery.  The department is required to complete a Lost, Destroyed, or Stolen Property Affidavit.  The department should forward the affidavit to Campus Police for their comments and completion, with a copy to the Inventory and Property Management Department.  All stolen or lost property will be reported to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC).  An official police report is also required to remove property from the official inventory of Jackson State University. 
In the event that an examination, conducted pursuant to Miss. Code Ann., Section 29-9-13 finds items that are included on a department’s inventory, which are missing and otherwise not accounted for, the State Auditor
and/or the Inventory and Property Management Department has the authority to proceed under the provision of Miss. Code Ann. Section 7-7-211 to attempt to recover the value of the missing items.  The demand shall be made against the department head, and/or appropriate officer or employee, if identified. 
Reporting lost, destroyed, or stolen property does not exempt the employee from financial responsibility.  Repayment may be required, less any applicable depreciation.