Jackson Heart Study Community Outreach Center

Our mission is to foster a welcoming, respectful and collaborative community-academic environment that promotes health equity through prevention, education, training and research.
About the Jackson Heart Study Community Outreach Center
The Jackson Heart Study Community Outreach Center is the result of the successful operation of the Community Partnership/Outreach Office which operated under the auspices of the JHS Coordinating Center at JSU from 2000-2013. CORC, formerly the Community Partnership Outreach Office, was instrumental in the development and implementation of novel strategies to successfully recruit the 5,301 JHS cohort. Partnerships were developed with over 100 churches, community-based organizations, governmental agencies, private non-profit organizations, other institutions of higher learning and individual partners.
The Jackson Heart Study Community Outreach Center has major responsibility for the retention of approximately78% of the living cohort, has trained/certified more than 90 community health advisors to provide health education services in the tri-county area of Hinds, Madison and Rankin counties since the study began in 2000 and has expanded research opportunities for community participation, specifically in hypertension and chronic disease self-management.
To learn more about the Jackson Heart Study visit the website at www.jacksonheartstudy.org
Download the Jackson Heart Study Community Outreach Center Fact Sheet Here
Goals and Objectives
The goal of the CORC is to perform community health education activities to disseminate health promotion and prevention messages in the Jackson community.
The objectives of the CORC are to:
- Plan and conduct community outreach activities and events to communicate study findings and health promotion messages, promote the Jackson Heart Study, retain study participants, and build trust in the community.
- Administer the Jackson Heart Study Community Health Advisors Network to promote cardiovascular disease prevention in the Jackson area through health education programs and other activities as appropriate.
- Convene a Jackson Heart Study Community Ethics Advisory Board to advise the Jackson Heart Study on ethical issues concerning participation in research, which will meet twice per year or more frequently as needed.
- Publish a newsletter two times per year for Jackson Heart Study participants and the community reporting research findings, health promotion messages, and other appropriate items of interest.
- Participate in Jackson Heart Study initiatives, committees, manuscript development, and provide support for data analysis.
Jackson Heart Study Community Outreach Center