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Jackson Heart Study Vanguard Centers

Public Notice: The Jackson Heart Study is no longer accepting Vanguard Center Applications.

Vanguard Collaborative Centers offer an additional mechanism for sharing Jackson Heart Study data to foster collaborations and increase scientific productivity. Vanguard Centers are provided with the JHS Exam 1 and 2 datasets, documentation and example reproducible research projects in an effort to enhance external JHS data expertise for manuscript and ancillary study development (see below for full package description). Frozen dataset updates (additional derived variables etc.) are provided quarterly.  Vanguard Centers are in turn expected to involve investigators in JHS working groups and be productive research partners; a minimum of 2 published manuscripts per year initiated by the Vanguard Center and involving the JHS data is requested.
Benefits of JHS Vanguard Centers

  1. Vanguard Centers will receive a JHS Data Package from the JHS Coordinating Center, please see the JHS Vanguard Center Package Contents document for the latest package description.
  2. JHS Vanguard Centers with expertise and experience in analysis of genetic data and with approved access to JHS dbGap data may request  access to genetic data on JHS participants who have provided consent for such collaborations.
  3. The JHS Coordinating Center will assist in answering queries from the Vanguard Centers regarding the JHS data.


JHS Vanguard Center Eligibility Criteria

Each JHS Vanguard Center is expected to be affiliated with a biomedical/public health research institution. To apply to become a JHS Vanguard Center, an institution must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  1. Have an investigator willing to serve as PI for the Vanguard Center  and assume responsibility for overseeing security of the JHS data received;
  2. Have a data curator to serve as the primary contact for receipt of JHS Vanguard Center data updates and manage JHS datasets for Vanguard Center Investigators.
  3. Have additional investigators at the same institution willing and able to collaborate on manuscript and ancillary study proposals and on manuscripts and ancillary studies of cardiovascular diseases among JHS participants.


Each JHS Vanguard Center is expected to:

  1. Provide its own internal administrative support.
  2. Participate in reviews of: 2 or more manuscript proposals; 2 or more ancillary study proposals per year; and 2 or more penultimate manuscripts as requested by the JHS Publications and Presentations Subcommittee (PPS) and the Ancillary Studies Subcommittee (ANSS).
  3. Submit at least 2 manuscripts per year to the PPS initiated by the Vanguard Center and involving JHS data.
  4. Submit a semi-annual progress report online on: (1) status of manuscript proposals, ancillary study proposals and active or penultimate manuscripts initiated by the Vanguard Center; and (2) lists of reviews completed for manuscript proposals, ancillary study proposals and penultimate manuscripts.
  5. Work with JHS to improve the JHS Vanguard Center program and experience for others.


Investigators interested in submitting an application for a JHS Vanguard Center for their institution should contact Dr. Arnita Norwood  (601) 815-5783, to request an application package.

Below link contains documentation for the JHS data, programs, teaching materials and vanguard center information

Click on the below links to watch webinar for the vanguard center package and Q/A session.

VC Package Live session:

VC Package- Live 1 hour Q & A: