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Trivia 2

About Women in STEM & SBS

Version 2

1.    I am a 2006 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) Faculty Scholar whose intentions are to continue breast cancer research and enhance my training through extramural experiences and increased research collaborations.  Who am I?

2.    I received my Ph.D. from the University of Science and Technology of China, and I am interested in photo-induced reactions of nanomaterials and biomolecules.  Who am I?

3.    In my paper entitled “Interactive Error Recovery in Facsimile without Retransmission,” I developed standalone and interactive error recovery systems that utilize syntactical structure information of coded bitstreams to recover nearly all the data sent using a facsimile.  Who am I?

4.    I co-authored a journal paper entitled, “Influence of GSM Microwaves on Fractal Structure of Brain Tumors,” and my research and teaching interests include nanomaterials in drinking water, water reuse engineering, and remediation engineering.  Who am I?

5.    My paper entitled, “Curricular Redesign, Coflection, and Democratic Mathematics Education,” discusses teacher’s notions of equity when reforming their department’s curriculum. Who am I?

6.    My research interest includes unintentional injury and seatbelt use among minority populations, multiculturalism, culturally competent mental health professional, and etc. Who am I?

7.    I am also a novelist and poet who use these mediums to discuss sociological issues and social problems. I’m the author of novels “Mama’s Baby, Daddy’s Maybe” and “But, Jacob Still Loved Rachel”, who am I?

(Click here to see the answer)