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Attending the 3rd Annual HBCU Student Climate Change Conference, March 26-29, 2015

JSU Websites > Dept. of Public Policy & Administration | Jackson State University > News > Attending the 3rd Annual HBCU Student Climate Change Conference, March 26-29, 2015


 Dr. Ko attended the 3rd Annual HBCU Student Climate  Change Conference, held in New Orleans, from March 26-29, 2015, hosted by the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice, Dillard  University .

 Students and faculty members from 21 HBCU  institutions across the nation, including  Jackson State  University, discussed the challenges and health risks of  minority communities near polluting industrial facilities,  and associated environmental justice, and potential  health risks of minority communities driven by the climate  change. During the Conference, they also discussed  logistics  regarding sending the HBCU delegation to the   upcoming  2015 UN Climate Change Conference, in Paris, France, from Nov. 30, to Dec. 11, 2015.      

 Dr. Ko gave a presentatation (titled, 'Challenges in developing and  implementing coastal protection projects against increasing sea level  rise: A case study of the Caernarvon river diversion in Louisiana.'), and  built networks with the faculty members from other HBCU institutions on  coastal management, and devoted efforts to recruit students for the  Public Policy Program at Jackson State University. 

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