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Professor Billingsley is invited for the ASPA International Conference as Senior Scholar

JSU Websites > Dept. of Public Policy & Administration | Jackson State University > News > Professor Billingsley is invited for the ASPA International Conference as Senior Scholar

Billingsley_2The American Society of Public Administration (ASPA) has invited Dr. Gloria Billingsley, Associate Professor and MPPA Program Director, in the Department of Public Policy and Administration to serve as a Senior Scholar at the 5th International Young Scholars Workshop (YSW) to be held July 20-23 in Cape Town, South Africa. As a senior scholar, Dr Billingsley, along with other distinguished senior scholars in the field, will provide mentorship to an international group of young scholars. Primary responsibilities as a senior scholar include reviewing scholar applications, ranking them for acceptance, providing an evaluation of a small group of junior scholar papers, attending professional development workshops, providing instructional lectures on a variety of topics and mentoring  young scholars during the YSW.

The Young Scholars Workshop aims to strengthen academic and social exchange mechanisms for young scholars in public policy, administration and related subfields. The 2016 International Young Scholars Workshop will focus on research that advances the understanding of global disparities in public policy, public administration, nongovernmental organizations and the communities they serve. The workshop experience provides an opportunity for participants to both engage in the development of research papers, and interrogate some of the pressing issues currently taking place in South Africa and other nations around matters of inequity, public policy, government (national and subnational) administration, and community building. Young Scholars will get a fresh experiences on the process of conducting empirical research—from topic choice to reviewing the literature, from framing and analyzing, to presenting their research. Congratulations, Professor Billingsley!

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