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Working Together Yield Dividends


Challenges in collaborative governance for coastal Restoration: Lessons from the Caernarvon River Diversion in Louisiana is a paper written by Dr. Jae-Young Ko, Jermesha Haywood, MPPA student; and Louisiana State University research team. The research paper analyzes stakeholders’ conflicts surrounding coastal restoration programs using a framework of collaborative planning, and suggests better ways in resolving conflicts, They conducted a case study of the Caernarvon River Diversion in Louisiana, which was once developed into a $1.3 billion lawsuit (abstract_caernarvon). For their combined efforts, this paper has been accepted for publication in Journal, Coastal Management , a "peer-reviewed, applied research journal dedicated to exploring the technical, applied ecological, legal, political, social, and policy issues relating to the use of coastal and ocean resources and environments on a global scale" (Coastal Management, 2016).


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