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JSU public policy student symposium-2018 fall

JSU Websites > Dept. of Public Policy & Administration | Jackson State University > News > JSU public policy student symposium-2018 fall

The JSU Public Policy Student Symposium was held at the JSU downtown Campus on November 30, 2018. Since its inauguration in the fall 2013, organized by Professor Jae-Young Ko,  the student symposium has been a research outlet for the graduate students, playing critical roles in producing 9 student publications, 24 student presentations for state/regional/national/international conferences, and three awards (two best graduate student research awards from the MS political science association, and one from the SECOPA).  During the event on Nov. 30, 2018, eleven PhD and MPPA student presentations were made. They are Raquel Milton (PhD: The impact of neighborhood life cycle theory and urban development policies on mid-sized urban cities in the South), Valarie Jackson (PhD: Comparative analysis of nurse staffing in counties most affected by hurricanes and tropical storms 2005-2015), Jennifer Lee (MPPA: Incraesing financial security for senior citizens with pension compliance), Stephanie Wright ( PhD: Health equity: utilizing schools based-health clinics as a vehicle to reduce  health inequalities prevalent among African-American children), Anna Johnson (PhD: Comparative analysis of alchol-impaired driving and motor vehicle fatalities in five Southen States), Gregory Ramsey (PhD: Drug overdose fatalities: the role of opioid abuse and the impact of the prescription drug monotiring program in Mississippi), Crystal Murphy (PhD: An evaluation of broadband technology opportunities program (BTOP) public computer centers effectiness),  Julius Green (PhD: A study of the relationship between sustainable energy infrastructure on hurricane-related deaths), Tangauika Hoover (PhD: Distressed cities, distressed states), Wanda Brown (PhD: An exploratory study of reducing food deserts: impact on obesity prevalence in the United States), and Stephen Chrisley (PhD: The impact of racial profiling on the death of unarmed Black males by police in the United States, 2007-2017).

Among the presentations, the outstanding research works of the following students were recognized by awarding the Certificate of Achievement:

Phd: 1st place: Stephen Chisley 14_Steven's PPT 11-20-2018 ; 2nd place: Gregory Ramsey ; 3rd place: Stephanie Wright

MPPA: 1st place: Jennifer Lee ; 2nd place: N/A; 3rd place: N/A

Before the student presentation, Professor Cassandra Hawkins (PhD in 2018 from JSU PPAD, and currently an assistant professor at Mississippi Valley State University) gave a talk on her dissertation, on how to overcome challenges during the student days, and on how to land job as a tenure-track faculty at State University. 

The recognized students will be supported, when they want to attend conferences, including the 2019 Conference of Mississippi Political Science Association, the 2019  National Conference of Minority Public Administrators (COMPA), the 2019 conference of American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), the 2019 IHL Conference, and others. 

Thank you for the hard works embedded in the outstanding presentations of the participating students. The attendances of Professor Gilleylen, Professor Robinson, Professor Ko and Professor Hawkins and other students are greatly appreciated!!!!

(In pics, from top left: Professor Cassandra Hawkins, Ms. Raquel Milton, Ms. Valarie Jackson, Ms. Jennifer Lee, Ms. Stephanie Wright, Ms. Anna Johnson, Mr. Gregory Ramsey, Ms. Crystal Murphy, Mr. Julius Green, Ms. Tanguika Hoover, Ms. Wanda Brown, and Mr. Stephen Chisley)

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