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5.7.5 Delegation of Policy Revocation Authority

If there appears to be a significant issue with a policy, the policy may need to be revoked or modified. The authority to revoke, disapprove, or edit a policy exists within the recipient of the delegation of policy-making authority as described elsewhere in this Policy.  However, when rescinding or supplanting a policy, the area Vice President or Provost must be informed, and he or she will notify Cabinet of any significant modifications.  Those with policy-making authority must discuss all substantial policy changes with the President prior to granting approval, even where policy-making approval was already property delegated by the President.  The President retains authority to disapprove or modify any University policy at any time.
To revoke a policy, a memorandum from the administrator with policy authority over the specific policy should be forwarded to the University Policy Archivist.  The memorandum should state the effective date of revocation so that the policy may be timely removed from the online database.