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5.2.2 Hand Receipts

To assist in the efficient management of inventoried property, it is imperative that all faculty and staff complete hand receipts for any property located within their immediate work areas.  It is also necessary for hand receipts to be completed for any property that may be used outside of the campus area.  In order to maintain the accuracy of these receipts, it is recommended that they be updated on a monthly basis.

Hand Receipt Procedures:

  • Each faculty and staff member is to complete a hand receipt  for any and all items located within their immediate work areas and items used outside the workplace that are property of Jackson State University.
  • All hand receipts shall be signed by the personnel to whom the property is assigned.
  • If property is lost or stolen, disposed of or transferred to another department, it is necessary for the hand receipt to be revised to reflect the change that has occurred.  This revised receipt should also be signed by the personnel for whom the property was assigned.
  • All property that is lost or stolen from a designated area shall be reported to the Custodial Delegate within 24 hours of the incident.  It is the responsibility of the personnel for whom the property is assigned to report any infractions.
  • All property located within common areas of the workplace is the responsibility of the Custodial Delegate.

If there are any questions regarding these procedures, please feel free to contact a member of the Inventory and Property Management staff at 601-979-4222.