CSET Scholars Academy & Student Support Services

A dynamic and interactive mentoring process is very critical to our student retention and a successful completion of undergraduate and graduate program. In the College of Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET), faculty mentoring of students is an integral part of undergraduate and graduate experience, in the form of high quality research, presentation skills and one on one guidance.
Mentoring goals
- The goal of the mentor is to provide structured guidance to the students to successfully complete their degree.
- Help students develop expertise in oral and written communications.
- Encourage students to participate at professional meetings and instill the importance of networking, teamwork and collaboration.
- Help evaluate students and give advice as needed.
- Guidance in helping the students set realistic goals, prioritizing, and providing guidance at upholding the highest ethical standard.
Peer Mentors are upper-level undergraduates and graduate Student Support Services participants who help new freshmen and any student who need help to become integrated into the campus community or need help in tutoring. They introduce students to campus resources, maintain weekly contact with the students, keep them posted of upcoming events and activities, and help them get involved in campus life. Peer Mentors are paid for up to ten hours of work per week during the fall semester. If you are interested in becoming a Peer Mentor, please see Dr. Martha Tchounwou. To participate, we require that a student maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 and above, have an outgoing personality, involvement in SSS services program and activities, and a willingness to help others.