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Council Committees

Executive Committee

The Women’s Council for Philanthropy is governed by an Executive Committee consisting of the Council Chairperson and Committee Co-Chairs.

Program Committee

The program committee works to develop innovative programs for engagement and networking among Council members and JSU faculty members, alumni, and students. The committee is responsible for implementing programs that engage women in conversations about philanthropy and other women-related topics, focus on women as initiators, beneficiaries and sustainers of positive change, and provide standards and metrics that guide and facilitate Women’s Council supported events.

Nominating/Membership Committee

The nominating committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for election of the Women’s Council Officers and the membership committee works to define membership categories and recommend policies, procedures and strategies that will both enhance and retain council membership; the end result being a growing and vital membership organization.

Leadership/Mentoring Committee

The mentoring committee seeks to provide opportunities to make meaningful connections to the next generation of JSU women. Through individual mentoring pairs, students receive guidance from mentors sharing reflections on their own career paths and they often become key touchstones for the mentees.  Mentor responsibilities include:

  • Sharing the organization’s mission and vision.
  • Attending one on-campus or off-campus event during the spring or fall semester.
  • Maintaining a minimum of five contacts (via email, telephone or in person) with the designated mentee.
  • Being willing to listen to the mentee’s questions and concerns and share thoughts, guidance and perspective regarding life beyond JSU.
  • Providing a brief biographic sketch.
  • Completing the Mentor Information form.

 Communications Committee

The communications committee strives to develop a comprehensive communications plan for internal communications among Council members, between the Council and the Foundation Board; and externally with alumni and the broader JSU community.

Social Committee

The social committee plans and produces the Council’s ongoing social activities for members and student ambassadors. Events are coordinated during the academic year and at the end of the fall semester to

Strategic Plan Committee

The strategic plan committee identifies the Council’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by analyzing the internal and external programs and environments. The information from the committee helps the board establish priorities and set goals.