Department of Chemistry, Physics, and Atmospheric Sciences – PHYSICS
College of Science, Engineering, and Technology
If you have ever wondered scientifically, “why” something is the way it is, or “how” can something exist or behave the way it does, then you’ve entered the realm of physics. Physics is the most fundamental of all sciences, and is the study of nature that is all around us. Physicists try to understand the most basic laws that govern the behavior of nature.
Undergraduate Studies
To view a listing of the undergraduate-level courses offered, click here.
The Department of Physics, Atmospheric Science, and Geoscience at Jackson State University offers a broad variety of undergraduate courses, for physics majors and non-physics majors alike.
The Department is working to achieve national ranking in the number of students enrolled as majors as well as in the number of graduates produced. Graduates of the program will excel in graduate study, research, and in the work force.
Goals of the Department are as follows:
- To prepare students for careers in physical research, medicine, engineering, meteorology research, professional meteorologist, and other professional areas including teaching of physics and physical sciences.
- To prepare students for graduate programs in physics, atmospheric sciences, engineering, and other applied sciences, graduate program in management, materials science, and for medical and dental schools.
- To develop understanding of basic scientific principles, concepts, and application in all students taking courses in the Department; to provide courses for students with other career interests which will increase their awareness of the environment and universe.
- To excel in research and development in the areas of meteorological observation, forecasting, modeling atomic and molecular physics, optics, materials science, nanotechnology, computational science, renewable energy, and earth and space science.
- To develop more collaborative research and development projects with other departments in Jackson State University, other institutions, state agencies, and non-profit and for profit organizations.
- To provide services to the community, the state, the nation, and the world in matters concerning science in general, including physics, astronomy, and atmospheric sciences.
To view a listing of the undergraduate-level courses offered, click here.
The B.S. in Physics has two tracks:
- B.S. Physics (General Physics Concentration)
- B.S. Physics (Leading to Alternate Career Choice Option)
Click here to view the course curriculum for the B.S. in Physics (General Physics Concentration)
Click here to view the course curriculum for the B.S. in Physics (Leading to Alternate Career Choice).
To view a listing of the undergraduate-level courses offered, click here.
The B.S. in Meteorology is the only degree program in Meteorology in Mississippi and in its neighboring states.
Click here to view the course curriculum for the B.S. in Atmospheric Science.
Earth System Science
To view a listing of the undergraduate-level courses offered, click here.
Click here to view the course curriculum for the B.S. in Earth System Science.
Learn about the frontiers of space and time while searching for extrasolar planets and world-renowned observatories. Explore the mind-bending consequences of Einstein’s theory of gravity and curved space-time, or unlock the mysteries of our awesome Earth with field research opportunities.
“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”
For many years, we have played a central role in new physics developments and advancements.
Want to learn more? Click below to view our advancements.
For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-7012. We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.