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Time and Effort Reporting


Illiad Kelly, Interim Time and Effort Administrator


Overview of the Effort Reporting Cycle

What is Effort Certification?  Effort is the time individuals spend on an activity, expressed as a percentage of all the time they spend on JSU job duties. 

A sponsored project is activity that is funded by a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement under which there is a scope of work, a specific budget, and specified terms and conditions. It requires detailed financial accountability and compliance with the sponsor's terms and conditions. 

If an individual works on a sponsored project, they are required to assure the sponsor that: 1) They did, in fact, devote effort to the project at a level that corresponds with how they were paid from the project, and 2) They've met their commitments to the project, regardless of whether the sponsor provided salary support. 

Effort certification is the university's means of providing this assurance to sponsors. To certify effort, faculty and academic staff will review an after the fact statement or report that shows the sources from which they were paid on sponsored projects. 

The JSU ECRM (Effort Certification and Reporting Module) system will be used to certify effort.  

Why do we care about Effort Certification? 

Each year, the university receives millions of dollars from organizations, including the federal government, that sponsor research and other JSU activities. As the stewards of those funds, it is our obligation to comply with federal and university requirements to certify faculty and staff effort on sponsored projects.  Failures to propose, manage, and certify effort correctly could jeopardize the university's federal funding and lead to penalties for the university.

This site offers you useful information on how to certify, training opportunities, training materials, and an effort reporting calendar to assist you.



Click the link to register of training sessions.

Understanding Time and Effort

Time & Effort Certification Brief Overview

Time & Effort Quick Steps to Certify

Time & Effort Certification Step by Step

2016 Time and Effort Reporting Calendar 


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