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Executive Ph.D. Program in Urban Higher Education
College of Education and Human Development


The Executive Ph.D. Program (EPhD) in Urban Higher Education at Jackson State University (JSU) prepares students to assume senior leadership roles in post-secondary institutions and other organizations whose primary endeavors relate to or impact the operations of institutions of higher learning.

Executive PHD In Urban Higher Education – Reference Form

THE EXECUTIVE PH.D. CLIENTELE The audience for this unique program may include: Mid/entry level personnel in management from colleges and universities in urban or metropolitan settings or executive of related agencies that work either as suppliers or clients of the higher education enterprise. This may include: Human resource and service agencies, foundations, corporations with an adult training mission, and other sectors that represent government, industry, commerce or technology.

WHO SOULD PROVIDE REFERENCES? References should come from three (3) professional persons who are knowledgeable of the applicant’s professional academic ability, job experiences, leadership potential and availability to participate in the program. A reference from the President or Chief Executive Officer will strengthen the application.
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To the best of your knowledge, please provide detailed responses to the following regarding the applicant’s potential success in Jackson State University's accelerated Ph.D. Program in Urban Higher Education. (In the instance you have no knowledge of the applicant’s skills and/or abilities, please respond with NA.)



Student Success

EPHD Courses and Meeting Dates

Important Dates



For more information, please contact us at (601) 979- 1811.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



Mississippi e-Center
1230 Raymond Road
Jackson, MS 39204


(601) 979-1811