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CSC 323, Algorithm Design and Analysis, Fall 2018

Project 7 deadline extended to Nov. 15th, 11.30 AM. 

Project 8 is also due on Nov. 15th, 11.30 AM. There will NOT be any extension for Project 8.

Quiz 6 (Take Home) posted. Due on Nov. 13th, 11.30 AM (hardcopy in class)

Exam 3 posted. TAKE HOME. Due in class on Nov. 29th @ 11.30 AM. Late submissions WILL NOT be accepted.

Quiz 7 (in-class) on Nov. 27th @ 11.30 AM. CLOSED NOTES.

Reading List for Quiz 7



Teaching Assistant

Lecture Slides

Question Bank

Project Descriptions

Quizzes and Exams

Code Tutorial

Dr. Meg's Desktop Selected Lecture Videos

Quiz, Exam and Project Schedules



CSC323 Syllabus, Fall 2018

Teaching Assistant



Lecture Slides

Module 1: Algorithm Efficiency Analysis (Last Updated: Sept. 6th)

Module 2: Divide and Conquer (Last Updated: Sept. 12th)

Module 3: Greedy Strategy

Module 4: Dynamic Programming

Module 5: Graph Algorithms

Module 6: P, NP, NP-Complete Problems

Question Bank

QB Module 1: Algorithm Efficiency Analysis

QB Module 2 – Classical Design Techniques

QB Module 3 – Greedy Strategy

QB Module 4 – Dynamic Programming

QB Module 5 – Graph Theory Algorithms

Project Descriptions

Project 1: Brute Force Algorithm for the Element Uniqueness Problem (Due: Sept. 20th, 11.30 AM)

Project 2: Implementation and Performance Comparison of the Bubble Sort and Insertion Sort Algorithms (Due: Sept. 27th, 11.30 AM). Check Canvas for sample code (to use time functions in C++/Java)

Project 3: Algorithm to Determine the Longest Subsequence of Consecutive Integers in an Array using Hash tables, its Optimization and the Analysis of the Space-Time Tradeoff (Due: Oct. 4th, 11.30 AM). Check Canvas for sample code and startup code

Project 4: Recursive Algorithm to Find the Minimum Integer in an Array and its Space-Time Tradeoff Performance Comparison Analysis with an Iterative Algorithm (Due: Oct. 11th, 11.30 AM)

Project 5: Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Optimum Coin Collection in a Two-Dimensional Grid (Due: Oct. 18th, 11.30 AM)

Project 6: Dynamic Programming-based Solution for the Longest Common Subsequence Problem (Due: Nov. 1st, 11.30 AM)

Project 7: Dynamic Programming-based Solution for the Coin Change Problem (Due: Nov. 8th, 11.30 AM). Check Canvas for the startup code

Project 8: Number of Walks of certain Length between any Two Vertices (Due: Nov. 15th, 11.30 AM). Check Canvas for the startup code


Quizzes and Exams

Quiz 2 (Take Home) (Due: Sep. 25th, 11.30 AM)

Quiz 3 (Take Home) (Due: Oct. 9th, 11.30 AM)

Quiz 4 (Take Home) (Due: Oct. 16th, 11.30 AM)

Quiz 5 (Take Home) (Due: Oct. 30th, 11.30 AM)

Exam 2 (Take Home) (Due: Nov. 6th, 11.30 AM)

Quiz 6 (Take Home) (Due: Nov. 13th, 11.30 AM)

Exam 3 (Take Home) (Due: Nov. 29th, 11.30 AM)


Code Tutorial






Dr. Meg's Desktop Selected Lecture Videos (YouTube Links)

Module 1: Analyzing the Efficiency of Algorithms

Time-Complexity analysis of a recursive algorithm to compute the factorial of an integer

Example for solving recurrence relations

Time-complexity analysis of an iterative algorithm to determine whether an array has unique elements

Time-Complexity analysis of a recursive algorithm to determine the number of bits needed to represent a positive integer

Decrease and Conquer – Insertion Sort Algorithm and Examples

Module 2: Classical Algorithm Design Techniuqes

Brute Force Algorithms QB – String Matching Problems

Divide and Conquer – Theorem-Proof: In order Traversal of a Binary Search Tree

Divide and Conquer – Master Theorem

Binary Search Algorithm and Examples

Comparison of Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches for Heap Construction

Transform and Conquer – Proof for Euclid's GCD Formula

Transform and Conquer – Heap Sort

Space-Time Tradeoffs for the Sorting Algorithms (Merge, Insertion and Heap Sorts)

Module 3: Greedy Technique

Greedy Technique – Fractional Knapsack Problem

Greedy Technique – Huffman Codes (Variable Length Prefix-free Encoding)

Module 4: Dynamic Programming

Dynamic Programming: Coin-row Problem Discussion and Example

Dynamic Programming: Binomial Coefficient

Dynamic Programming Solution for the Coin Collecting Problem in a Two-Dimensional Grid

Dynamic Programming: Integer Knapsack Problem (0-1 Knapsack Problem)

Module 5: Graph Theory Algorithms

Depth First Search on Directed Graph

Depth First Search and Articulation Points

Breadth First Search and 2-Colorability of Graphs

Topological Sort on DAGs and Proof for Neccessary and Sufficient Condition

Dijkstra's Algorithm for Shortest Path Trees and Proof for Correctness

Bellman-Ford Algorithm for Shortest Path Trees and Examples New!!

Kruskal's Algorithm: Examples to find Minimum Spanning Trees

Kruskal's Algorithm: Proof of Correctness

Properties (1 and 2) of Minimum Spanning Tree: IJ-Cut and Minimum Weight Edge

Properties (3 and 4) of Minimum Spanning Tree: A graph with unique edge weights has only one minimum spanning tree

Property 5 of Minimum Spanning Tree: Given a graph with unique edge weights, the largest weight edge in any cycle cannot be part of any minimum spanning tree

Prim's Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees and Proof for Correctness

Floyd's All Pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7

Module 6: P, NP and NP-Complete Problems

Polynomial Reduction: Hamiltonian Circuit to Traveling Salesman Problem

Minimal Number of Uncovered Neighbors Heuristic: Example to determine an Independent Set, Vertex Cover and Clique

Polynomial Reductions: Independent Set, Clique and Vertex Cover

Multi-fragment Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem

Twice around the tree Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman Problem and the Proof for approximation ratio




Quiz, Exam and Project Schedules