Undergraduate Admissions

What You Need To Know
Students are still able to be admitted without an ACT. Just submit your application and high school transcript and we will admit you upon review. Students not submitting an ACT, SAT or Residual score will be automatically enrolled in the Year-long Academic Support Program, which requires intermediate-level coursework. Please contact 1-866-THEEJSU (1-866-843-3578) for more information.
Jackson State University is test optional for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years
Priority Deadlines: Traditional Students
Fall semester – August 24th
Spring semester – January 11th
First summer session – May 27th
Second summer session – June 27th
Deadlines: JSUOnline Students
Spring – 1st 8 Weeks – January 7th
Spring – 2nd 8 Weeks – March 4th
Summer – May 15th
Fall – 1st 8 Weeks – August 20th
Fall – 2nd 8 Weeks – October 11th
You have never attended a college or university, or you attended a college or university for the first time in the prior summer term.
You are entering JSU for the first time, but previously attended another postsecondary institution.
You are a non-US Citizen seeking an undergraduate degree. This excludes students graduating (or transferring) from a college or high school in the US.
You are interested in online degree programs and general education courses which allow students to conveniently earn a quality education and work toward achieving long-term career goals.
Learn about admissions for transient, non-degree seeking, dually enrolled, homeschooled, GED, and post-baccalaureate students.
Student Services
Veterans and Military Center | Disability Services & ADA Compliance | The Latasha Norman Center for Counseling Services
Related Links
Admissions Policies | Academic Calendar | Credit By Examination | Net Price Calculator | Tuition and Fees | Mississippi In-State Residency Status Change Application |Non-Degree Form | In-house Transcript Retrieval Form | Activate JSU Email and NetID | Admissions Transcript Retrieval Form| Term Deferral Form
Financial Aid | Registrar | Recruitment | JSUOnline | Scholarships
Jackson State University | Undergraduate Admissions | P.O. Box 17330 | Jackson, MS 39217 | 1-866-843-3578.